Michael Mayberry
Michael P. Mayberry
Professional Biography – Technology Solutions Consultant
Michael has been working professionally in the green industry for over 20 years, but got an early start at the age of 5 helping to mow an elderly woman’s yard with his Dad. During his early years he maintained a few lawns while his Dad taught him about the basics of business by requiring he rent the mower, pay for gas and share in the cost for any repairs.
At 15 he started working on golf courses where he would become the Assistant Superintendent and Mechanic for 5 years while working towards college. He attended Elizabethtown College studying Computer Science, and later Coastal Carolina studying Business Management.
Michael started in the landscaping industry in 2008 after realizing that people would not always need to play golf, but would need to always maintain their lawns. As a Supervisor for Brickman he learned the industry from the ground up. Michael was quickly promoted to Operations Manager and became the branch’s safety leader where he helped create a culture that demanded safety and encouraged creative thinking for more efficient operations.
In 2015 Michael started looking for a new company where he could use his technical and operational abilities to help a company grow. He joined Level Green Landscape, LLC in January of 2016 as an operations manager. After preforming his operational duties during the day, he would spend nights and weekends working on developing systems and programs to move Level Green away from outdated paper processes to new streamlined digital processes. Michael was integral in more than doubling the size of the business in 5 years and continues to help the company reach it’s aggressive growth goals laid out in their 10-year Strategic Plan.
Michael is very active in the industry and believes in helping the industry as a whole integrate more technology into everyday life. Michael serves on the Advisory Board for the Lawn and Landscape Tech Conference where he is also an active presenter. He also participates as a speaker spreading the word about technology adoption during various industry events throughout the year.
Michael doesn’t just sit behind a computer – in his spare time he enjoys relaxing on tropical beaches, listening to live music or floating peacefully on the open water. Occasionally he gets his adrenaline pumping by jumping out of a plane or riding in a fighter jet. Michael believes in chasing your dreams and living for today, something he embodied at a young age when he sold all of his belongings to follow his dream of living on an island. After a couple of years of the island lifestyle in Key West, he decided to sell all his belongings again to chase after his second life-long dream – living on a sailboat. What was supposed to last a few weeks ended up becoming a couple of years.