Peer Groups

It’s Lonely at the Top…

             …You Don’t Have Anyone

                           …To talk to

                                     …Who understands you

                                                   …Who you can trust

While most of us have people who work for us, we still feel isolated in our business lives. We shield our teams from our doubts and as a result we drain our energy keeping up a positive and “inspirational” front. (After all, we’ve learned that when we overshare, we’re often planting the seeds of future problems.)

This often causes us to struggle, doing too much on our own, disconnected from the outside.

Building a support network of trusted and unbiased advisors on your own can be an arduous, seemingly impossible task. However, other business owners in your situation have the same sense of isolation and can offer support. The problem is how do you find others that you can talk to? Safely?

This is where The Leaders’ Peer Groups can benefit you. It is a collection of similar business owners, who meet on a regular basis to help each other deal with their burning issues and support each other to improve their business practices and performance while helping each other to become the Leader that each has always wanted to be.

Partnered With

Mastermind Group

IT ALL STARTS AND STOPS WITH THE LEADER(S): The best Peer Groups do not try to give you the answers. This is why The Leaders’ MasterMind Group provides a process to help you find your own answers. This allows you to hear the methods other people, just like you, have used to solve problems and to learn from what they have done. They give you permission to pivot and try different pathways. They allow you to hear the questions that you’re not asking and consider how those questions might be valuable for you and your business.                                                                     

Leaders' Group For Landscapers

The Leaders’ Peer Group will assist you with problem-solving, growth strategies, understanding financials, people problems, work-life balance, and a whole host of issues that come up in your business life. The culmination of this experience is that it can reduce your personal stress levels and enhance your bottom line. None of us is as smart as all of us combined.

Virtual Leaders Groups

For many small lawn care and landscape business owners the real answer is…      …Isolation… IN fact, one of the most commonly overlooked business success resources are your peers, the other folks who are out there in the thick of it dealing with these same issues you are Every Day!  It can be very lonely being the owner of a growing business. Your friends and family don’t understand the issues you face and you can’t really confide in your employees. However, other business owners feel the same way and can offer support. The problem is, how do you find them?

Contact Fred Hasket About Peer Groups!

The TrueWinds Leaders’ Groups Facilitator, Fred Haskett, has wide Green Industry experience. In his 45+ year career, Fred has been both an Owner and Senior Leader in National, Regional & Franchise Organizations and has a background in Lawn Care, Tree Care, Landscape Maintenance, and Snow & Ice Service.



Peers who are not from the same company or organization.

No customer/supplier relationships.

Only a desire to help each other as much as possible.

No personality conflicts, for instance, or anything else getting in the way. Emergent problems will be discussed and, if they cannot be resolved for some reason, members may be referred out of the group to find a better fit in another group.

Nothing, but nothing, leaves the confidentiality bubble of the group. Nothing is shared, even with spouses.

Attending two face to face group meetings each year and participating in twice monthly conference calls during that year with the facilitator.