Technology Assessment Program

What's Involved with the Technology Assessment?

Through the process of discovery, and with the help of your team, we will identify high impact changes you can make for immediate and future improvement.


  1. Current technology platforms and usage survey
    • In-depth survey to help understand your business prior to arrival
  2. Provide an inventory of technological assessts
    • Can be performed while on-site at additional cost

On-Site/Virtual Discovery

The first step towards picking the right technology is discovery. The purpose of the discovery
phase is to deeply understand your existing reality, the problem you’re solving, and who
you’re solving it for.

  1. Hardware & Software
    • What do you have?
    • How are you using what you have?
    • Cloud vs. On-Prem
    • MSP?
    • O365/Gmail
    • Video Conferencing/Team Communication
  2. Data & Processes
    • What are you collecting?
    • What decisions are you making from your data?
  3. People
    • What are the access levels by person/position?
    • Who oversees/moderates each database?
    • Who is responsible for the implementation and growth of technology at the company?
    • What is management’s attitude and role in the organization with regard to technology?
    • How is each role currently using technology?
  4. The Problem
    • What will make the assessment successful to you?
    • What are your major pain points?
    • What are the obstacles to your organization’s effective use of technology?
    • What role does the implementation of new technologies play in your strategy for the next five years?
    • Do you need new technology in order to grow?
    • Would new technology allow you to respond to new opportunities?
    • What type of financial resources does your organization have available for technology?


The analysis phase will consist of meetings with ownership, management and key positions in
order to dissect any problems that were uncovered during discovery and prioritize solutions
that align with the company’s business goals.

  1. Hardware & Software
    • Do you need to remove anything?
    • Do you need to add anything?
    • Projected Replacement Costs
    • Utilizations percentage of each software platform
  2. Data & Processes
    • How clean/complete is your data?
    • Is there a single source of truth?
  3. People
    • Is the team all on the same page about technology?
    • Is additional training required and to what extent?
  4. The Problem
    • Identify Technologies that will solve major paint points
    • Will current technologies support growth over the next 5 years?
    • Is technology being used in a way that will facilitate growth?
    • Does the technology budget for the next year, and next 5 years fit expectations?

Define and Develop

After going through the assessment, we will understand the goals of the company and
any problems that exist. We will clearly define what we want to improve, and how it’s
improvement will help the business. During the assessment, solutions will be prioritized
based on the greatest impact. Using what we outlined we will ensure that all teams have the
same vision for the future and develop a plan to achieve the shared goal. We will assign
leaders to long-term tasks who will be accountable for ensuring plans are carried out
according to design.

Document and Follow-up

All findings from the assessment will be presented using text and data visualization, as well as
a detailed action plan for improvement. A high-level overview of the assessment findings will
accompany the deeper dive. We will schedule 30/60/90 virtual meetings to evaluate progress
and to be accountable to the goals we agreed upon. Using a systematic approach, we will help
your company reach it’s full potential by maximizing efficiencies and removing friction using