Online Presence Assessment
Having a strong online presence, beginning with your website, is vital for a modern business’s success. We live in a world where people Google before they shop, they read online reviews, and use social media to better understand your business.

Consumers are making decisions about if they will use your services based solely on your online content.
First impressions matter, and if your site leaves visitors confused or frustrated by their experience, you are significantly less likely to convert them into a client.
An online presence assessment will look at:
- Your goals and purpose of company website
- Site Design
- Site Content
- Navigation/SEO/Analytics
- Technology
- Social Media presence and strategy
- Is your text easy to read?
- Do you have a prominent logo?
- Good text contrast, font, size and spacing?
- Can you see the most important information on landing?
- Do you have a CTA above the fold?
- Does the purpose of your website clearly come through?
- Do you have engaging photos and videos that compliment your text content?
- Is your site clean and professional?
- Is your site responsive (mobile formatted)?
- How often do you update your site?
- Do you have a blog?
- What type of updates are you making to your website?
- Is all of your current information correct?
- Do you have a Contact Form?
Navigation / SEO
- How quickly do your pages load?
- Do you have an easy to use/find menu?
- Do you have good keywords?
- Is your site structure clean?
- Do you have unique and relevant content?
- Are you optimized for mobile?
- Is your website secure?
- Do you have links into your website on other sites?
- What platform or code base is your site running on?
- Where is your domain name hosted?
- Cost & Renewal Date
- Where is your SSL certificate registration?
- Cost & Renewal Date
Social Media Presence and Strategy
- What business social media accounts do you have (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram)?
- How often do you post content?
- What type of content are you posting to each?
- What is your current engagement?
- Who is your audience (internal/external)?