- 1. Know the property and the project:
Check out the site using your mapping software, walk the site prior to the meeting.
* Photograph the areas for conversation. . * Take notes of you observations.
* Pick out potential areas for improvement. * Note highly visible areas.
2. Review the specifications:
Before the meeting if possible or with the client at the meeting to get accurate information for your proposal.
* What are their objectives * What problems are there
* What is their budget * What services are being provided
* Who are they using now * What is their degree of interest
* What services wanted * What is the deciding factor
* Are they satisfied * What would they change
* Who else involved in decision
- Target on your work, references, and similar projects.
* Photographs of your similar or nearby jobs
* Good References from similar or nearby projects
5. Focus on your ability to manage their site. Review the work process. Go over the accountability forms and find out what you can
do to make the prospects job easier
* Start Up checklist * Landscape Management. Form,
* Irrigation Report * Site Inspection
* Quality evaluation * Client Survey.
Be Well, Do Good Work, and Keep In Touch.
Fred Haskett
To Learn More Contact Fred at TrueWinds Consulting
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