Greetings, fellow business enthusiasts!
In the whirlwind of running a business, we often find ourselves sprinting just to keep up. As our enterprises evolve and complexities grow, the tide can quickly turn—the business begins to lead us instead of the other way around.
Michael Gerber, the insightful author of the E-Myth, urges us to break this cycle and work “ON” our business rather than getting entrenched “IN” it. It’s time to seize the pilot’s seat, ensuring all systems are optimized, and we’re steering toward our goals. As we approach a new season, let’s delve into the art of “Preparing to Plan” and set the stage for a thriving future.
The Prelude to Progress
In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” The dawn of 2023 beckons us to envision our goals and map out the journey ahead. Yet, diving into the planning process without groundwork is akin to building a castle on sand.
To embark on effective business planning for the upcoming year, consider this three-step process, designed to fortify your endeavors.
Step One: Understanding Your Team
Success hinges on establishing clear expectations and objectives throughout your organization. Clarity regarding individual roles and responsibilities is pivotal for progress. To ensure a unified understanding of the road ahead, key leaders and managers must address six fundamental questions:
- What is my role’s essence?
- What standards and objectives are expected?
- How does my performance align with these goals?
- What learning or improvement is necessary?
- What rewards await success?
- How do we address falling short?
Written responses from your team will serve as a compass, ensuring collective alignment on the journey ahead.
Step Two: Fathoming Client Needs
Information is power, and comprehending your clients’ perspectives is paramount. Embark on a journey of client understanding through surveys that:
- Gauge current satisfaction levels.
- Spotlight areas for service enhancement.
- Foster open dialogue and long-term relationships.
- Inspire innovations and upselling opportunities.
Design your survey to delve into their aspirations and challenges, providing insights to guide your growth strategy.
Step Three: Mapping Your Business Journey
To chart a course for success, identify your business’s current stage of development:
- Existence: Owner-dependent, minimal systems.
- Survival: Limited employee supervision, cash forecasting.
- Success: Growth with functional managers, basic systems.
- Take-off: Decentralization, operational planning.
- Resource Maturity: Market force with size and talent.
With a comprehensive understanding of your team, clients, and business trajectory, you are primed to craft an effective plan for the future.
Elevate Your Strategy
As the curtains rise on a new chapter, embrace strategic readiness. Infuse intention into your planning, armed with insights from within and beyond. Channel the wisdom of the past to navigate uncharted waters and lead your business to triumphant horizons.
Be Well, Do Good Work, and Keep In Touch.
Fred Haskett
To Learn More Contact Fred at TrueWinds Consulting