SYSTEMS AND PROCESS… “Process and Procedures Matter”

In a growing business, there are many challenges. One such challenge is putting together manuals that outline new processes and procedures in the company. Not just the putting together of the actual manual, but getting a working system in place is difficult.

It is very important that as your business grows, you implement new ways of doing business. There is no way to keep working things the same way you used to when the volume of business changes.

Here are some things you need to consider when putting together procedures for your business.

What is the Employee’s Role?
Employees must understand their role in the process in order to be efficient in the business.

When they have no idea what part they play, they will waste a lot of time aimlessly wandering around waiting for the next step.

Processes and procedures need to clearly outline what each person on the team is expected to do. It is also helpful that everyone in the company has an understanding of what their team members’ roles are.

Who Does the Employee Report To?
As part of the process and procedures of your business, it should be made very clear who each person reports to. There needs to be a well-established feedback loop that allows staffers to communicate their problems. This allows the management team to dole out resources and brainstorm ways to solve the problem.


Employees Need to Be a Part of Creating the Process
There is no way for one person to understand all of the problems that are being faced in the company on a daily basis. It is important that each employee helps to create the process and procedures for their position. They have firsthand working knowledge of how things work and issues that arise with the existing procedures.


It is important that you keep up the pace when it comes to developing procedures in the business. This is an aspect of running a company that must be re-evaluated on a regular basis.

                       “Knowledge Is Good….Practice is Better…Experience is Best” 

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Be Well, Do Good Work, and Keep In Touch.

Fred Haskett

To Learn More Contact Fred at TrueWinds Consulting

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